Sheffield Bioinformatics Core Facility Stanage Configuration

Using the tuos_stanage Institutional Configuration Profile

To use tuos_stanage.config, run nextflow with an nf-core pipeline using -profile tuos_stanage (note the single hyphen).

This will download and launch tuos_stanage.config which has been pre-configured with a setup suitable for the Stanage cluster and will automatically load the appropriate pipeline-specific configuration file.

A Note on Singularity Containers

The tuos_stanage.config configuration file supports running nf-core pipelines with Singularity containers; Singularity images will be downloaded automatically before execution of the pipeline.

When you run nextflow for the first time, Singularity will create a hidden directory .singularity in your $HOME directory /users/$USER which has limited (75GB) space available. It may therefore a good idea to create a directory somewhere else (e.g., /mnt/parscratch/users/$USER) with more room and link the locations. To do this, run the following series of commands:

# change directory to $HOME
cd $HOME
# make the directory that will be linked to
mkdir /mnt/parscratch/users/$USER/.singularity
# link the new directory with the existing one
ln -s /mnt/parscratch/users/$USER/.singularity .singularity

Config file

See config file on GitHub

// Sheffield Bioinformatics Core Configuration Profile - Stanage
// Base Institutional Configuration
// nf-core specific parameters displayed in header summary of each run
params {
    config_profile_description = 'Sheffield Bioinformatics Core - Stanage'
    config_profile_contact     = 'Sheffield Bioinformatics Core ('
    config_profile_url         = ''
// hpc resource limits
params {
    max_cpus   = 64
    max_memory = 251.GB
    max_time   = 96.h
// hpc configuration
process {
    // scheduler
    executor = 'slurm'
// optional executor settings
executor {
    queueSize       = 50
    submitRateLimit = '1 sec'
// container engine
singularity {
    enabled    = true
    autoMounts = true